C&I Energy Solution
The commercial and industrial energy solution is a comprehensive, efficient, and sustainable energy solution tailored for the industrial and commercial and sectors.
With various collaboration models, this solution leads to the construction of distributed photovoltaic power plants, energy storage stations, and integrated photovoltaic and energy storage systems, providing a comprehensive, efficient, and sustainable energy solution for the industrial and commercial sectors. It meets their needs for stable electricity while reducing energy costs, minimizing environmental pollution, and contributing to sustainable development.
Distributed Photovoltaic Power Plant
Introduction to the BIPV System
BIPV refers to building-integrated photovoltaics, which are solar photovoltaic power generation systems attached to buildings, also known as "installed" solar photovoltaic buildings. Its main function is power generation, without conflicting with the functions of the building, and without damaging or weakening the original functions of the building.
BIPV Introduction
BIPV refers to the simultaneous design, construction, and installation of solar photovoltaic systems with buildings, forming a seamless integration with the buildings. It is also known as "building-integrated" and "building-material" photovoltaic architecture. As part of the building's external structure, it not only functions for power generation but also serves as building components and materials. Moreover, it can enhance the aesthetic appeal of buildings, achieving a perfect harmony with the architecture.