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Risen Warms Minds and Bodies for Abandoned Children.

Company News

Inner Mongolia, October; it’s cold.

No one feels it more than if you are a child alone without your parents.

The “Hundred Enterprises Charity” founded by Zhejiang TV, aims to at least let these less fortunate children know that there are people who care. As part of their ongoing participation to embrace the disadvantaged, Risen, in their guise of membership of the HEC, recently undertook their “in person” journey to Ulangab City to partially sate the needs of the younger local community. After driving over 1800km, the volunteers happily in providing hot food, cotton padded clothes, and sturdy shoes to those in need at multiple locations. next, Risen established its fifth library in Hai Feng with the donation of 1500 books, complete with training aids and stationary for the local volunteers to continue supporting the learning needs of the knowlege-thirsty children.

Wang Hong, the President of Risen Energy said, "We can deeply feel those Children's eagerness for knowledge, even though they are living in the impoverished condition, but the best way to learn is from reading. Therefore, we selected 1500 pieces of illustrated books for this, hoping to open the door of wisdom for them while the established Hai Feng Library will provide a quiet and bright learning space.”

As the old western adage notes, “Give a person a fish and you can feed them for one day, teach them how to fish and they will feed themselves for life”.

As Risen, and indeed HEC, continue to believe and demonstrate by their actions, giving opportunity to succeed to those with difficult circumstances, is the best gift to ensure warmth today and in their future.


Risen Energy Donated the Fifth Haifeng Library in Inner Mongolia

Recently, “Hundreds Enterprises Charity” went into Wulanchabu, Inner Mongolia. Risen Energy and other entrepreneur volunteers send the clothes, stationery, books and others to the students in four schools.

“Hundreds Enterprises Charity” is held by Zhejiang TV, which plans to go to eight poor provinces in 2016. Risen Energy has gone to Guizhou, Qinghai, and Tibet with the Zhejiang TV before.

Inner Mongolia is the sixth place. Besides from sending the clothes, stationery, books and others, the entrepreneur also made a delicious lunch in the school for the hungry students.

In the Mongolian nationality school, Risen Energy donated 1500 books for the students and established the 5th Haifeng Library for them.

Risen Energy said that through the charity, it is known that the students are poor, but they are eager to learn more knowledge. So we decided to donate the books for them so that they can learn more from the books.

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