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Risen Energy Wins Bid for SPIC’s 200MW HJT Module Procurement

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Risen Energy was announced recently as the winner of 2023 Annual E-commerce procurement project of heterojunction (HJT) module Bidding Section 1 with a total capacity of 200MW by ESPIC (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd, a branch of State Power Investment Corporation. This is another case this year where government-owned enterprises have conducted large-scale tender and procurement of HJT modules as a separate category, which underscores the growing recognition and demand in the HJT module market, and winning bid of Risen Energy also demonstrates its strong competitiveness in the field of HJT.

The principal entity behind this tender, the State Power Investment Corporation, is an important large-scale state-owned enterprise under direct management of the central government and the world’s largest enterprise for solar power, new energy and clean energy generation. Currently, the corporation is vigorously pursuing the “2035 First-class Strategy”, continually developing high-quality clean energy projects. HJT modules have the advantages of high yield and low carbon emissions, making them the best choice for building high-quality PV projects. Risen Energy took the lead in the industry to initiate the development and mass production of the n-type HJT technology in 2019, breaking the world record of HJT module power for four consecutive times and securing the top global shipment volume of HJT products for two consecutive years, earning unanimous acclaim in the market. Starting in 2022, based on the new goal of “dual-drive” with lower LCOE and carbon emissions, Risen Energy made a full upgrade to HJT products. Through in-depth research and investment in materials, processes, and equipment, Risen Energy has mastered key technologies such as ultra-thin wafers, low-silver content paste, 0BB cells, and low-temperature stress-free Hyper-link interconnection technology. The upgraded HJT module product, “Hyper-ion”, now boasts proprietary technologies, delivering higher power output, higher efficiency and better cost advantages. It helps customers achieve lower LOCE for their projects, which is also one of the core reasons why it won the bid for SPIC’s procurement.

In September, Risen Energy has shipped Hyper-ion modules to Spain, Brazil, Southeast Asia, Italy and others, winning customer recognition and praise for its excellent product quality and refined service.

Going forward, Risen Energy will adhere to n-type HJT technology as the core, innovate high-efficiency and low-carbon photovoltaic module solutions, and accelerate capacity expansion to ensure orderly supply, thereby facilitating the green energy transformation of high-quality projects.

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