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Let the Good Things Come Through Solar

  • Enhancing our ESG Sustainability Initiatives Even Further

    In 2023, we introduced the "RISEN" sustainable development strategy, along with detailed objectives, to enhance our ESG sustainability initiatives even further:

    Responsible: To be a responsible company advocating for ethical business practices.

    Inclusive: Establishing an equitable and inclusive workplace to unlock the potential of our talents.

    Sustainable: Promoting a green and sustainable future by minimizing our environmental footprint.

    Empowering: Empowering employees and stakeholders by sharing developmental achievements.

    Navigating: Strengthening innovation, and collaborating both upstream and downstream partners to drive industry advancement.

    In 2023, Risen Energy made a firm commitment to achieve operational carbon neutrality by 2030 and full value chain carbon neutrality by 2050, aligning with the global goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C. Our focus includes ongoing optimization of our energy structure with a target of reducing our operational greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by 50% by 2030.

    Driven by the "RISEN" strategy and the “carbon peak and carbon neutrality” objectives, our ESG practices have received high recognition both within and outside the industry. In 2023, we were honored with awards including the "Green Supply Chain" award from Energy Magazine, TUV SUD's "Best Carbon Neutral Practice in the Solar Energy Storage Industry," and the "2023 ESG Pioneer Enterprise Award" at the 13th Public Philanthropy Festival. Our MSCI ESG rating reached the highest level of BBB within the domestic photovoltaic industry.

  • Showcasing Our Advantages in Low-carbon and Energy Efficiency Worldwide by Developing Heterojunction Technology

    We firmly believe that continuous breakthroughs in the research and development of low-carbon, high-energy solar technology are essential to realizing sustainable development.

    In 2023, Risen Energy achieved an industry milestone by being the first to mass-produce our proprietary patented 0BB cell technology, 210 ultra-thin silicon wafer technology, silver usage less than 7mg/W, and Hyper-link stress-free interconnection technology. With technological iteration, our Heterojunction Hyper-Ion modules achieved a peak power of 741.456Wp and conversion efficiency of 23.9%. The carbon footprint reached an industry low of 376.5kg eq CO2/kWc, and the 30-yearproduct power retention rate can exceed 90%, fully meeting market demands for efficiency, low carbon, and high economic value.

  • Continuing to Promote Our Energy Storage Business in the World

    Energy storage is a pivotal technology supporting the achievement of the "dual carbon" goal. The advancement and maturity of the energy storage industry are crucial for establishing a power system based on renewable energy sources.

    In 2023, SYL's liquid-cooled energy storage battery system marked a significant achievement by becoming the first in China to attain UL9540A certification simultaneously in both China and the United States, highlighting its leadership in technological innovation. Moreover, SYL has progressed from its initial role as a DC-side system integrator to emerge as a comprehensive energy storage application service provider. The successful debut of the first 1750KW PCS further bolsters SYL's proficiency in integrating energy storage systems.

  • Promoting Low-Carbon Building Industry by Our BIPV Solutions

    In 2023, Risen Energy's BIPV responded to the trend of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings by offering sought-after BIPV solutions in diverse settings such as industrial and commercial buildings, public facilities, and residential structures. Meanwhile, guided by a philosophy of prioritizing technology and quality, we seamlessly integrate photovoltaic power generation technology with building structures, achieving a full fusion of photovoltaics and architecture.

  • Listening to Employees' Voices and Achieving Common Development

    In 2023, we continued to uphold the philosophy of promoting values, skills, and results for mutual success with our employees. We provided diverse training and development opportunities, fair, just, and transparent promotion mechanisms, and career development paths.

    We care deeply about the physical and mental well-being of our employees, offering high-quality welfare benefits and fostering a conducive working and living environment. For new mothers and pregnant female workers, we strictly adhere to local labor laws and regulations, providing employees with benefits such as maternity reimbursement, maternity allowance, maternity leave, and breastfeeding breaks. Moreover, we are continuously expanding channels for feedback and communication, making it easier for everyone to be heard.

    We conducted regular employee satisfaction surveys because we value it as an essential tool to gauge the overall well-beings of our people, identify areas for improvement, and foster a positive work environment. In 2023, our employee satisfaction rate is 86.2%, 2% higher than in 2022. We are proud of what we have achieved for our employees and are committed to continuous improvement moving forward.

  • Making Photovoltaics Accessible to Empower Rural Revitalization

    Sheng Yang Guang, a household brand, is actively provides professional residential photovoltaic solutions to rural areas. This initiative is part of our commitment to promoting a green and sustainable future by minimizing our environmental footprint. Due to the unique settings of rural rooftops, we offer customized, scenario-based one-stop solutions. These solutions not only bring clean energy to their lives but also provide tangible benefits to farmers. As of 2023, this business has expanded to cover over 20 provinces and 1500 counties and cities. We have developed projects in over 100 entire counties, have accumulated power stations in over 120,000 households.

  • Advancing Smart Manufacturing for Sustainability

    We've implemented integrated smart manufacturing, spanning processes from ingot pulling and wafer slicing to cell production and module assembly. By 2023, we had established several national and provincial-level intelligent factories, along with future-ready facilities. This shift towards advanced manufacturing not only optimized our operations but also led to a marked increase in operational efficiency. Within these highly automated workshops, our management fostered optimal collaboration, significantly enhancing our operational effectiveness and showcasing an efficient and sustainable production module with low carbon emissions.

  • Looking Ahead, "High efficiency and Low-carbon" Stands as the Core Direction of Our Development

    Focusing on technological innovation and techniques iteration, we are dedicated to helping our customers achieve their "high-efficiency and low-carbon" objectives. In response to the growing market demands, we continuously optimize supply chain management and enhance tactical coordination across our core businesses.

    In closing, I want to extend my gratitude to every colleague, shareholder, and supporter of Risen Energy. As we move forward, Risen energy remains committed to innovation and environmental responsibility. We will deepen our strategic partnerships with both upstream and downstream collaborators, actively responding to global climate change, and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the energy landscape. Together, we will make substantial contributions to global sustainable development. Let the good things come through solar!

  • Chairman: LinHaifeng

    Service Hotline



    Tel: 0086-574-59953588

    Address: Tashan Industry Zoon, Meilin Street, Ninghai, Ningbo, China