Download Center Investor Relations Tendering Platform

Our Commitment

Risen Energy has a well-established governance structure in strict accordance with the “Company Law of the People's Republic of China”, the “Securities Law of the People's Republic of China” and other laws and regulations in our operation countries, to ensure our compliant and sustainable operations.

Our Objective

  • ≥30%

    By 2035, the proportion of females on the board of directors will be no less than 30%

    By 2035

    By 2035, the proportion of females on the board of directors will be no less than 30%


  • Linked to ESG

    By 2025, all executives’ performance assessments linked to ESG goals

    By 2025

    By 2025, all executives’ performance assessments linked to ESG goals

    Linked to ESG

  • Critical suppliers

    By 2025, conduct ESG due diligence on all critical suppliers and within the company

    By 2025

    By 2025, conduct ESG due diligence on all critical suppliers and within the company

    Critical suppliers

  • All suppliers

    By 2035, conduct ESG due diligence on all suppliers and within the company

    By 2035

    By 2035, conduct ESG due diligence on all suppliers and within the company

    All suppliers

  • Material suppliers

    Conduct annual ESG training for all primary material suppliers

    Every year

    Conduct annual ESG training for all primary material suppliers

    Material suppliers

  • 100%

    No purchase of conflict minerals

    No purchase of conflict minerals


  • Ethics audits

    Conducting regular annual ethics standards audits

    Every year

    Conducting regular annual ethics standards audits

    Ethics audits

  • 0 incidents

    No incidents related to violations of laws, regulations, or business ethics, such as corruption, bribery, or unfair competition, etc.

    No incidents related to violations of laws, regulations, or business ethics, such as corruption, bribery, or unfair competition, etc.

    0 incidents

  • Governance Structure

    The Board Diversity

    Background of the board of dractors

    • PV industry

    • Business & econornice

    • Audit & finance

    • Others

  • 42.86%

    Proportion of external directors

  • 42.86%

    Proportion of independent directors

  • 14.29%

    Proportion of female directors

  • 14.29%

    Proportion of directors over 50 years old

  • Operation Compliance

    We have always adhered to compliance operations, considering it the cornerstone of our development. We strictly abide by national laws and regulations, combining industry characteristics with Risen Energy's conditions. We continuously improve our internal compliance management system, focusing on preventing and mitigating compliance risks. We provide business ethnic trainings for all employees, to improve employees' awareness of compliance, consolidate sound development practices, and ensure the legitimacy and compliance of our operations.

  • Strict compliance with laws and regulation
  • Zero tolerance to corruption
  • Business ethnic training
  • Risen Energy's Whistleblowing & Grievance Channel
  • Process for Responding to A Grievance

  • Risk Management

    To enhance our risk management and standardize business processes, we have established the Risk Control Center and a risk responsibility system led by sector heads. By integrating the responsibilities of the audit, legal and business departments, we've constructed a comprehensive risk control system. This optimizes operations and boosts our capacity for risk prevention and control.

    To enhance our risk management and standardize business processes, we have established the Risk Control Center and a risk responsibility system led by sector heads. By integrating the responsibilities of the audit, legal and business departments, we've constructed a comprehensive risk control system. This optimizes operations and boosts our capacity for risk prevention and control.
  • Information Security

    We strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations such as the “Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China” and the “Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China”. Our policies, such as the “Group Information Security Emergency Response System” and the “Data Security Management Policy”, are designed to ensure legal compliance, effective internal processes, and the security of our information assets.

    We strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations such as the “Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China” and the “Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China”. Our policies, such as the “Group Information Security Emergency Response System” and the “Data Security Management Policy”, are designed to ensure legal compliance, effective internal processes, and the security of our information assets.
  • Sustainable Supply Chain

    We are dedicated to integrating sustainability principles into our upstream and downstream partnerships. We have developed the “Supplier Code of Conduct”, “Group Supplier Management Regulations”, Group Supplier Evaluation and Scoring Policy”, and “Overseas Supplier Management Policy” to regulate supplier qualifications, performance assessments, audits, and discontinuation.

    We are dedicated to integrating sustainability principles into our upstream and downstream partnerships. We have developed the “Supplier Code of Conduct”, “Group Supplier Management Regulations”, Group Supplier Evaluation and Scoring Policy”, and “Overseas Supplier Management Policy” to regulate supplier qualifications, performance assessments, audits, and discontinuation. All materials suppliers are required to sign the “Supplier Social Responsibility Commitment”, “Supplier Anti-Bribery and Anti-Fraud Commitment”, and “Supplier OHS and Environmental Notification Form”. We conduct regular supplier audits,and have established a comprehensive supply chain tracking mechanism to mitigate risks throughout the supply chain and ensure responsible procurement. We comply with the "OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas" and do not procure, and require our suppliers not to procure conflict minerals or raw materials.
  • Service Hotline



    Tel: 0086-574-59953588

    Address: Tashan Industry Zoon, Meilin Street, Ninghai, Ningbo, China